We have a new herbal tea blend available!

This Mountain Spring Equinox Blend is in celebration of the Spring Equinox (here in the Southern Hemisphere) and is a beautiful combination of Calendula, Lemon Balm, and Rose Petal!

It is a feast for the senses! It tastes mildly floral with a slight masculine energetic tone, it smells amazing and as you can see from the photo, it looks pretty too! 
These healing herbs are known for the following:
Anti-Inflammatory, Relieves Muscle Cramps, Heals Ulcers, Wounds, & Hemorrhoids, Improves Oral Health, Fights Free Radicals, Supports the Liver, Boosts Alertness, Sharpens Memory, Improves Menstrual Health, Improves Skin Health, Aids Weight Loss and so much more! 
As with all of my teas, this new blend is Naturopath Approved, is in eco-friendly minimal packaging, and is available in Sample bags (approx 4 cups of tea) for $5.50 and Retail bags (approx 15 cups of tea) for $15.50.
If you have any questions or would like to order some tea, please contact me via the Contact Form or any of my Social Media sites.
Thank you,
Tracey x