Hello everyone,
Can you believe that the Solstice has come and gone already? For us in the Southern Hemisphere we have just celebrated Yule, the shortest day; and in the Northern Hemisphere the celebrations were for Litha, the longest day.
So here in Australia we are on our way now in the light half of the year which will culminate in our Litha in mid December.
It always amazes me just how quickly the Wheel of the Year turns.
Hot on the heels of the Solstice we will have Spring trying to nudge her way in with Imbolc on August 1st and here at Holding Space for Souls we will be celebrating with a new blend of Spring Tea!
Watch this space for further details of exactly which herbs will become part of the new blend and exactly when you can get your hands on some.
Meanwhile we have all the usual blends plus plenty of single herb tea options such as Chamomile (always a big favourite for those of us who like that little bit of extra help to relax in the evening), and Rose Petal. Rose Petal has become a firm favourite and packets of this Devine smelling and looking tea has been flying off the shelves.
Whichever is your favourite healing herbal tea, I am sure that we will have it or can get it for you so please send me a message if you would like a particular tea.
Enjoy these cool winter days.
Until next time,
Take care,
Tracey x